Saturday, May 14, 2011

PlayStation Network Is Back Online But Only If You’re A Developer

The news cones from gaming and games industry forum NEOGAF, where forum-goer Kagari reporting that he’s been told by a few developers that PSN is back online – at least for their testing purposes. Access from the outside work is still a no-go.

Okay, so this was mentioned in the old thread by a QA tester and since then I have had other developers confirm to me that this is the case. The internal PSN developer network is online again, at least it seems for some, although things are still a bit shaky at the moment such as lack of new account sign up.

Looks like the full network, at least the online play/account part of it, will be back soon.

Sony’s PSN and Qriosity services have been offline for a matter of weeks now, after a series of hacking attacks caused the Japanese firm to pull the plug. Information coming out of Sony has been sketchy at best, though they have denied the security breach was due to outdated software running on the company’s servers.

Sony had previously said only that they hoped to have PSN back up and running by the end of May – hopefully this latest news is a sign they are starting to get to grips with the task of returning service to the network’s 77 million-plus users. 

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